HTTP vs HTTPS: Understand the differences
HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) and HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) are two protocols that transmit data over the internet. The primary difference between HTTP vs HTTPS lies in the level of security and encryption they provide. HTTP operates on port 80 and sends data in plain text format. This means that the information transmitted between […]
Htaccess: Learn everything about this file

Have you ever hosted a website or researched how this service works? If so, you’ve probably seen or heard about htaccess files. These files behave differently from the .html or .txt extensions, which are widely used in these services. The “.htaccess” is a text string in code where you can be giving orders directly to […]
DirectAdmin Let’s Encrypt: How to install a free SSL
DirectAdmin is one of the fastest-growing web hosting control panel, especially after cPanel’s new licensing model, which increased cPanel pricing by 300% in some cases. DirectAdmin have full support do Let’s Encrypt plugin. Let’s Encrypt offers free SSL certificates for any website, with absolutely no cost. This plugin is free and can be installed in […]
How to password protect a folder in your site

This tutorial shows how to password protect a folder in your site, using cPanel. This is also known as htaccess or htpasswd folder protection. This allows you to create a restricted area, where your visitors will have to type a login and password to gain access. This guide is based in a cheap web hosting cPanel […]