Blog Vs. Vlog Hosting: 20 Differences and 20 Examples

Dive into the digital universe where words duel with videos, and the battlefields are blogs and vlogs. Welcome to our blog vs vlog hosting guide, an enlightening journey demystifying these two popular mediums of online storytelling and their hosting dynamics in an ever-evolving internet landscape. The Differences Between Blog and Vlog Hosting Blog Vs vlog […]
What is CMS?

Do you know what is CMS or have you heard about it? If you deal with websites directly, you have probably heard of them. But, you may not understand it yet. Therefore, our goal with this article is that you understand what a CMS is and its particulars. We will explain what a CMS is, […]
How to host my WordPress site?

How to I host my WordPress site? Here, you will learn everything you should know to obtain a Web Hosting, install WordPress and then Host WordPress Site! What do I need to host a WordPress Site? The first step to host a WordPress Site is registering a Domain Name and obtain a Web Hosting Plan […]
Webpage Hosting in 4 easy steps

Do you know how to obtain your webpage hosting? So, in this article, we will learn everything you wanna know before doing that! Let’s see it. Choosing a webpage hosting The first step in getting your web page hosting is to hire a Web Hosting that meets the needs of your page. But how to […]
Best domain and hosting provider

Do you already know what is the best domain and hosting provider? So, in this article, we will discuss important things to verify before you choose your provider. What is a Domain? A domain, or domain name, is the address of your webpage on the internet. You can obtain a domain with different extensions, like […]
Free WordPress hosting with your own domain
Is it possible to host your website for free, with your own domain name, running WordPress? The answer is Yes, and in this article, we will explain how to configure a free WordPress hosting with your own domain. WordPress is a CMS software, responsible for almost 70% of the internet hosted websites nowadays. Initially meant […]
How to install a WordPress theme
1 – Login WordPress admin to install the theme In this tutorial well be learning how to manage your WordPress theme within your WordPress admin. For that you need to login to your WordPress admin. Once you hit the URL by entering the credentials, you can press “Login”. Once you enter your dashboard you can […]
How to configure Google Analytics in WordPress

In this tutorial we will show how to configure Google Analytics in WordPress. It assumes you already have a Google Analytics account, and have already created your domain on it. The Analytics account creation is a very simple process. Analytics is 100% compatible with WordPress, and can be simply added in your theme footer, as we […]
How to install WordPress [video]
In this tutorial well be learning how to install WordPress with your cPanel. For that you need to enter the URL to your cPanel. 1 – Access cPanel control panel to start installing wordpress In your cPanel login you need to enter your username and password. We just enter the username and password. We have […]